Jordan and his first fish of the day!
Sunset on the Bait Hole
We had another great weekend at the beach-but boy was it HOT!!! With the camper sitting out in the hot sun-the a/c can hardly keep it cool on the inside. It was in the low 90's in the afternoons-several degrees hotter than normal-thankfully the breeze was blowing nicely! Jordan rode down with us on Friday and Alana and crew came down on Saturday morning and stayed the night. Julie, Randy, and one of Julie's friends from work came down for the day-but it was just SO hot-the kids could hardly take it. They headed back home earlier than usual. And Jordan was quite the little fisherman this weekend-he out-fished me and Jeff didn't catch a thing! He told his Grandpa that he couldn't eat any of the fish last night 'cause he didn't catch any of them! Little stinker!! Kaytlynn did MUCH better this trip-she actually got in the water and had a great time!
Still no calves-I just don't see how they can hold out much longer! The sow is now bred, too-hopefully! The garden looks just plum awful!! We've had temps close to-if not-100 degrees everyday for way over a week-with NO rain. The pasture has all dried up-Hopefully we'll get some rain soon-although none is in the forecast. Jeff bought 10 rolls of hay last Wednesday from the same guy we bought from last time-the one with the rescue horses. I didn't go this time-I had another headache-the meds the Doc prescribed didn't work-so I was waiting on a phone call from his office. He ordered something else for me and so far-so good! No headache since last Thursday-just an occasional pain. Hope this one works-I've had WAY too many in the last few weeks! Jeff tried to move the hen-but she was having none of it-so we had to put her back in that hot nest box. And he caught another coon last night. We had brought about a dozen crabs home that Ricky and the kids caught and we set and picked them out last night. Jeff decided to bait the trap with the crab shells and low and behold he caught a coon! Another one bites the dust!!!
We are hoping to start working on the shed at the beach this next weekend. Then we can start working on getting the cover built over the slab and the camper-we've got to get it covered to help protect it from the HOT sun-I'm afraid it's gonna ruin the a/c unit and anything else that's plastic up there. We'll get it done ASAP! Have a great week!!
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