Saturday, December 28, 2019

Hello from the Farm!

 Hi! We realize that its been a VERY long time since we've been on here and we have chosen to make a change to that!! Our plans are to be much more active on here starting this New Year and to begin sharing more of our daily lives and happenings on the Farm!
 When I think back, I guess the biggest change in our lives is that we were able to move back home a little over two years ago. So glad to be out of our camper after five years and very thankful to God that my mom is well enough that we don't need to be there on site! And a little over a year ago we purchased 2 lots in High Island, Texas just over a minute from the beach!! So we are living a dual lifestyle - farmers and beach bums. We love it!! So I'll be posting farm and beach photos from time to time.
 So back to today..... Jeff's been at the wood splitter  quite a bit today. We were given a huge tree from an Aunt and him and Jordan have been working on getting it split up and ready for the wood heater. I worked on getting the Christmas tree and decorations down and packed away. I know, lots of people keep theirs up until after New Year's, but it was time for it to be put away. I set up the incubator yesterday and put 16 eggs in it this morning. Our hatch rate was pretty good last year, so figured I'd give it another shot. Plans are to get these hatched in 21 days and then maybe set another dozen or so in to hatch in February.

We are expecting a cold front over night which we really are looking forward to. It's been warm here, I even have a few Spring bulbs blooming. I always try to get our tomato plants started around the first of the year. Don't know yet how many we are going to try to grow this year. We both are having lots of trouble with our backs, but the tomatoes did better than anything else last year. Also started the sweet potato slips today, usually start them around Thanksgiving but totally forgot about them this year. Hopefully they will catch up and grow alright.