Thursday, March 24, 2011

Girl in Hole/Girl on Pole

Cayden-she climbed down in the whole Grandpa had dug for the new corner post-then-
She climbs up the post after Grandpa sets it in the hole! What a monkey!

The section of new fence! This side is next to the garden-a few feet out from the old fence-so the garden should be safe!!
We transplanted the new Hibiscus next to the new back steps last-along with the gardenias that came up on their own-hopefully they'll all make it! Oh-and 1 Live Oak tree from Jeff's mom. The garden is looking great-the tomatoes are loving the warmer weather. The peppers are slow to adjust-but they should snap out of it OK. We have a few potatoes up-along with a few beets and carrots. We planted more potatoes and carrots on Tuesday. Can't plant anything else until April 1st-so we have to wait til the end of next week to start planting the corn, green beans, and peas.
The chicks are holding their own-we did lose one-but it was the one that we didn't think would survive. Lucy is growing like a weed-and has grown used to our voices. When we get close to the pasture gate-she's starts grunting and running around her pen. She's so cute.
We still need lots of rain, though. We have slight chance around the middle of next week-hope we get some!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Great Spring Break!

Fresh-homegrown grilled hamburgers & link sausage-YumYum!!
Here are the bitties we hatched-only got 7-of 'em-and 2 aren't doing very well-but we'll take 'em!

Here are the snow peas-they are finally taking off-with the help of a few daily visits from the water hose-I sure hate to have to start watering already!

And 1 of the 20 or so tomatoes we planted this week-Early Girl-Beef Steak-Rutgers-Celebrity-Big Boy and 1 Black Cherry.

And 3 days worth of eggs-Aren't they a welcome sight-No more store bought ones for awhile!!

Well the week did go by fast-as usual-and we never did make it to the lake to go fishing-but it was way too windy this week to get the boat out on the water. We worked on a small section of fence, planted the tomatoes and peppers-bell, jalapeno and a type to pickle, stayed 1 night at Mom and Shorty's, went to the Livestock Show, Jeff gave blood, bought groceries, etc.-So we did keep busy. The kids all seem to be ready to go back to school tomorrow. We sure do need it to rain, though!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

WANTED-For Having TOO Much Fun!!!

Jeff, me, Jordan & Cayden-At the Houston Livestock Show on Monday.
Jordan-Bull Rider

Cayden-Bull Rider
We took Jordan & Cayden down to Houston for the Livestock Show-they had a blast! We spent most of the time at the AgVenture area they had set up for kids. We did get to see the Dexter Show-but there weren't as many entries as I was expecting! I did get to meet one of the ladies who has alot to do with the association and she is going to try to help us get Fozzie's paperwork straight-no promises-but has a few ideas on some things we can do!
The eggs in the incubator are due to hatch tomorrow-and some are beginning to move around-the eggs will start moving and rolling around as the chicks begin to peck their way out-we've even heard some cheeps coming from inside! It is SO hard not to open the lid and check for the beginnings of cracks-but you aren't supposed to open it and let the humidity out.
We got a few tomatoes planted this afternoon-lots more for tomorrow.Got the strawberries in their bed also. The phone just started ringing and we weren't able to get it all finished. Jordan & Kaytlynn were really busy helping-she just loves being in the garden!
It has gotten a little quieter-Sugar and Cheyenne seemed to have gotten over each other for the most part. It is always so hard when it is time to wean them. We got less than an eighth of an inch of rain yesterday-boy we got caught up in some all the way to Houston-so we've started watering the little bit we've planted already. And there's no chance of any the rest of the week-good for Spring Break-but not for the pastures or the garden. We might try to take the boat out on the lake tomorrow-at least it's a thought for now!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Another Week that went by Way Too Fast!

We had a pretty good week this last one. All the kids are finally well-and the other two haven't shown any signs of getting sick. But now I'm having a severe case of allergies due to all the pollen! My voice is almost gone at sometimes-at others-it's just a squeak.
The hens have really picked up this week! We got 9 eggs one day-that means only 2 didn't lay! Seems the average is 6 a day right now. The eggs in the incubator are due to hatch starting Wednesday-hope all Jeff's mother hen work turns out! Jeff moved the cows into the pasture across the road-it was way past time to wean Cheyenne-and it has really been noisey here the last few days-Momma and calf Do NOT like being seperated-but Sugar is due to have a calf sometime soon-we don't have a good date on that one.
The garden is still going slow! Jeff checked on the potatoes this morning before Church-and still no growth showing. Pretty disappointing until we realized it hadn't been very long since he and Mady planted them-just rushing them! My snowpeas are pushing through the dirt-so at least something is showing green! We bought tomato plants and some bell pepper plants yesterday-but we are expecting a cool front tomorrow-with a 50% chance of rain-YEAH!-so we decided to hold off a few days before planting them. We also bought 20 strawberry plants-so those really need to be in the ground, too.
Well-I'm on Spring Break this week!Last night we went to Alfred and Shelia's and spent some time riding the UTV's through the woods and down to the river-then roasted some hotdogs. Once the coyotes started howling-a little too close for comfort for me-we packed everything up and headed back up the hill to the main house! We are going into Houston tomorrow to Reliant Center to see the Dexter Show. Jordan & Cayden are going with us-we'll let them spend some time in the AgVenture area and play around. We were only going to take Jordan-but just couldn't stand to leave CayCay behind. She just has a tendousy to run away-so we'll really have to have a hands on day with her! The smaller girls are just too little and we certainly can't carry them around! Hailey got to go yesterday with her Dad and she'll go again Wednesday with her mom and best friend for the rodeo performance. Anyway-other than tomorrow-we don't have any plans-would like to go fishing on the lake one day-thought about a drive to the beach-but it will be SO crowded down there-and just have some chores and things that need to be done here-as ALWAYS! Oh-well-the week will go by way too fast no matter what we decide to do!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sick Week! :(

OK-we've had enough! How do you explain the fact that 3 of your 5 grandkids have the flu at the same time!! Alana called us @3:00 am this morning-Kaytlynn had 105.3 degrees of fever! We rushed her to the Er-so she maked the 3rd kid with the flu! Hailey and Mady have had it since late last week-Hailey can't go back to school until Wednesday and Kaytlynn can't go back until next Monday-ehich means she gets 2 weeks off for Spring Break! She fell asleep in my lap at the park yesterday during Jordan's birthday party-then stayed curled up in my lap at the ER-I sure hope she hasn't given it to me!!
I planted the snow peas on Saturday-now the hens won't stat out of the garden! But we've gotten 5 eggs a day for nearly the last week!! YEAH!! The eggs in the incubator are due to hatch next week! YEAH, again! We might be getting a pair of young turkeys-the hen has just begun to lay. Still no word from the lady we bought the Dexter's from-I really wish she'd get Fozzie's paper's to me-but I guess I knew better than to buy him without hhis papers in order!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Cabin

Well-they delivered it yesterday-only problem-I didn't realize that my camera wasn't taking pictures until now! I'll have to see about getting some updated ones tomorrow in the daylight. Jeff built the front steps for it today-so we don't have to climb up into it anymore.
One of the rabbits had her litter of bunnies yesterday-more than 5 days early. We didn't have her nestbox ready-so she had them on the wire and since they were early-none made it. :( We got 4 eggs yesterday, too!!-Well-1 the hens broke. Only got 2 today-one was pretty thin shelled-so we gave them some oyster shell tonight.
Jeff has been tinkering with his old mechanic shop. He's closing up the front of it-that faces the road-and opened up the back side-into the pasture. He's parking the tractor and the cub in there now-but it still needs LOTS of clean up. He mechaniced out of it for many years and will now be used more for farm equipment and other STUFF!
The peach trees are starting to bloom and the pastures are really starting to turn green. Jeff & Shorty got the hay field fertilized on Monday-so the hay crop should be great this year-as long as we get enough rain-and it is getting dry out there already! We do have chance of rain this weekend-we sure do need it!