Sunday, November 9, 2008


We had a really nice day today!! First had to run into Cleveland and get Jeff's refill on his meds-which he'd been out of since Monday. The Doc took x-rays of his shoulders yesterday-they've been giving him LOTS of problems lately-should hear back on those Monday. Anyway-we went over to Randy & Kim's and loaded some big cedar logs from the tree that they lost during IKE. While loading up his 4-wheeler on the trailer, Randy accidently squashed Kim's legs between the wheel and the trailer. Thank God she was only bruised!! I just knew we were gonna have to make a trip to the ER-she's is such a tiny little thing-I was afraid her legs might have been crushed!!! She's moving around a little slow and has a small bruise on 1 leg. We then went up to Mom's for just a little while, then went and took the logs on over to our bestest(is that a word??-well it is now!!) friends place. The Burt's have a saw mill and one of the prettiest places in the area! We rode the 4 wheelers and their Gator all over their 70+ acres til dark. Alfred has built the cutest little cabin on the banks of the Trinity River-it is just SOO peaceful down there. We came back up to the house and the guys built a fire and we roasted hot dogs and just sat around talking til the fire almost burned out. We've spent many, many nights doing just this and it sure calms your nerves and sets your world back on track. Makes you see just what's important in life-family and friends and having a good time just enjoying each others company. Sheila now has started her own blog-check her out @ justthe burt's

1 comment:

Sheila said...

It is amazing how much we think alike Susie! Love you and love reading your news! :) You guys have a great week...