Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Huge Crab!!!!

We had a WONDERFUL Memorial Day weekend!! Jeff got the dirt work done on Saturday-I got really sunburned! On Sunday Jason and LeighAnn came down and Tim and Candy and the girls came across the ferry from Texas City where they were staying. We all went down to the bait hole and went crabbing. Tim caught the BIGGEST crab we've ever seen. It reached 1ft and 7 inches from tip of pincher to tip of the other! Jason and LeighAnn had been fishing in Loiusiana-so they grilled the fish that they caught for supper-they were delicious!! Thanks! We tried to enjoy some time on the beach-but as it got dark-the mosquitoes ATTACKED!!! They must have loved the scent of OFF!-it didn't stop them a bit! Everyone quickly packed up and went home!

When we got back home yesterday-the garden was looking pretty good-Thank you Alana, for watering it for us this weekend! Still no ripe tomatoes and only 1 little squash. Jeff's potatoes are making a few potatoes-we'll just have to see on them!

Have a great week!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Head Start Graduation!!

We've had a pretty busy week-again! Wednesday night, Jordan graduated from Head Start-now he's ready for Kindegarten(and the summer break!) Alana and Julie have both him and Cayden registered for August-don't know if the school district is ready for them, though!

The garden is doing well. I've picked about 3 handfuls of green beans this week-I said earlier they weren't doing well. We have cukes and tomatoes just hanging everywhere-we are just waiting for the first ripe ones! Jeff's corn is looking good-even though it did come up spotty.

We leave for the beach this afternoon-can't wait. The weather guy is now calling for a 40% chance of rain-hope it passes us by! We really don't know at this time who's coming-we've had a few plans change. But whatever-we'll have a great time!


Sunday, May 17, 2009


I had a friend ask me about pictures of our cows-I was able to take this one this afternoon before my batteries went dead-Dang-I have to remember to charge those things! It isn't a good one-and I wasn't able to catch Freckles in it. We are still hoping for 2 calves here in the next month or so-then all 3 heifers will go back to Mom's to be rebred for next year's calves!
We sold 2 more pigs today-we only have the 2 left that we will keep to butcher in the fall. The sow will be bred back the next time she comes in heat-probably sometime in the next 2 weeks.
We built fence yesterday and were able to move the cows across the road into the other pasture-they haven't been over there since Hurricane Ike visited us last September. Hard to believe its been that long-and hurricane season starts in less than a month!
We had another MAJOR rain event yesterday evening! We got caught in Wal-Mart with a load of groceries and waited nearly 20 minutes for the rain to let up-it didn't-so we took off in it-Needless to say-everything got soaked!! I don't remember ever getting SO much rain-so close together! It doesn't so much as dry up good before we get another soaking/flooding!
We have a big weekend planned for Memorial Day at the beach-can't wait for the next few days to go by so we can get back down there! Have a great week everyone!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Green Beans!!!

I actually think I am getting the hang of working everyday-well, some days!! Jeff & I picked green beans up at Mom's on Sunday evening-their's are growing like crazy-ours aren't doing much of anything :(. So-when I got in from work yesterday-I got a canner of beans going. Don't they look good?? I got 10 pints and enough for supper, then put 2 pints in the freezer to add to soup stock later on. YUMMY!

We also got part of the yard mowed and some weed-eating done. We fed the grass clippings to the cows and chickens-what a feast for them! And poor Jeff-they have him working 12 hour shifts this week! He said he was fine yesterday-but 5:00am to 5:30 pm is gonna take a toll on his back real soon! My job is going great-the school year is starting to wind down-but there is still LOTS to do.
We had some pretty bad weather here on Monday-nearly an hour of hail-and some of it BIG! I really don't know how my garden didn't get some damage from it! But I couldn't tell that anything was hurt. Jeff moved the tractor under a big tree-but it and the trucks didn't receive any dents. It was SO loud you couldn't stay out on the porches.
Gotta go to work! Have a great day!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Me, Hailey, Mady and Cay Cay on the beach-Mother's Day 2009! (I'm on the phone with Alana!)
The girls hamming it up for the camera! They had SUCH a good time this weekend-they didn't want to go home! (We didn't either :( !!)

Hope all you Mom's out there had a great day! I know I did! We spent the weekend at the beach and it was just beautiful! Jeff, Hailey and I went down on Friday night and Julie came down Saturday morning with the other 2 girls and a friend from work and her 3 boys. Needless to say-all got at least a little sunburned! Saturday morning we got a phone call from Pat & Randy-our neighbors there at the beach and they drove down for the day! Pat had not been down yet-so it was a little tough on her-but she said the not knowing was worse and it wasn't as bad as she was thinking. Also Carolyn showed up-we hadn't seen her since before the storm-she lives in Dallas. She had a camper moved in up in High Island at a park there-so she wouldn't have to find someone to move it for her when a storm was coming-she lives 6 hours away. Pauline and Ricky got their camper moved in Friday also-Duane and Ann are working on theirs- so it won't be long before it's a little back to normal. Can't wait til Memorial Day weekend-we will really have a good time!

The farm and garden are doing well. I have little cucumbers and tomatoes-so it won't be long! We sold 1 pig last week and 3 rabbits and had another litter of bunnies-life goes on in the Spring!

Well-I need to go get ready for work-not too much longer for that either! I only work 11 days after schools out-so that gives me a little time this summer to get some things done around here! Have a great week!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Good Week!

Well-we've had another busy week. Jeff's job has had him working strange hours-seems some days his schedule changes daily. On Thursday, they moved him to a place in the plant where he had never worked before. That area works 10 hour days-the extra 2 in the afternoon-so he didn't get home til 6:00. I did all the feeding for him and tried to get as much done as I could to help him out. Same thing on Friday and he had to work Saturday-but got off at 1:30. We got rain again this weekend-so we have gotten about all we want to handle for awhile.
We went to Conroe yesterday-we thought we were going to go to the Trade's day -but they had it the weekend before. But we went on and bought the rest of the tin to finish our roof. With all the rain-we've had several pretty bad leaks in the house! So-it was time to finish what we'd started a few years back.
The swine flu outbreak has not affected our area-hopefully it will stay away. None of our schools or any closely surrounding us have been closed. I still can't believe that so many pigs are being killed unnessesarily.
Stay well and have a great week!