Monday, November 8, 2010

First Dexter Calf!!

Here he is!! We found him as we were leaving for school this morning-almost made us late-but we had to go check him out!
Up and moving!!

And we have a VERY protective mom! She hasn't let us get close to him yet-she shakes her horns at us when we get too close! I'm not really sure I want to tangle with her.
And Fozzie is almost the opposite-he just loves spending time around us and eating range cubes from our hands. The white face cow is becoming very friendly, too-she'll let you walk right up to her in the pasture and pet her.
Jeff cooked a pork roast for supper-along with mashed potatoes and homemade loaf of bread-yummy! We decided we need to get the rest of the pork eaten out of the freezer before we get the hogs butchered.
My boss sent a bag of pecans home with me for Jeff-he now has pecans, black walnuts and hickory nuts to pick out. They'll be added to lots of holiday-and everyday-baking!!
We have 9 more working/school days before our Thanksgiving Break-Sure looking foward to it! Jeff hunted Saturday morning-froze to death and didn't see a thing-I went with him that evening and a beautiful doe walked almost right under our stand. We could have had a big mess of squirrels-but we let them go, too. Jeff's itching to get back in the woods and hunt some more-hopefully he'll get the chance sometime this week-and surely on Saturday.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall on the Farm!

Hailey and Madysen feeding Cheyanne. Hailey has decided that it is her job after school to feed her.
This one is just WAY too cute! Mady decided there was just a little bit of milk left and the calf just had to have it!

Here are the pigs-whose days are numbered! A few more cool spells-at least ones that last all day-and the smokehouse will be "smokin'"-full of link sausage-YUMMY!

The pond now has some water-YEAH!! This has been the first time it has ever been completely dry. The water level has dropped-but only slightly since the rain the other night-we got a total of an inch and a half-boy-did we need it!
We've had our first fire in the heater-it got cool enough-along with the dampness from the rain to need one. It's been really windy, too. But the sun came out and it's been a beautiful fall day! Enjoy!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Farm Pictures!

The garden still looks pitiful-but the buttercrunch lettuce and broccoli is trying to make a go at it-it just got so hot again after we planted it. It should really enjoy the weather we're expecting the few days! Rain tonight and tomorrow-HOPEFULLY!! The change has sure given me a headache and wrecked havoc on Jeff's back!

Back view of Glory-is that side sticking out or what?? Backside is getting pretty floppy, too!!

Glory, Fozzie and Blackie enjoying a new roll of hay-sure hate to start feeding it now-we still have some grass-and can move them across the road-just trying to space it out as much as possible until it rains (hopefully tonight-did I mention that already?)

Here is my rooster-isn't he beautiful?? Mady noticed him crowing for the first time this morning-she couldn't figure out what that noise was! Julie had to be at work at 6:00am-so she's not used to being over here that early-then she thought it was SO funny that his job was to wake everyone up!!

Jeff put the other doe in with the buck today-so hopefully that means another litter in a month.

It is just so hot and still outside right now-sure hope that means the rain is on the way! Julie has Hailey at the Dentist now getting another tooth pulled-some fillings and some of the stitches out of her tongue. She just got in-she's good for 6 months now-and they'll let the rest of the stitches dissolve.

Don't forget to go vote tomorrow!!