Saturday, January 4, 2014

Broccoli....and Peyton

Some of the broccoli we planted in the fall

And the heads I cut-Ended up putting 3 pints in the freezer!

We took a trip down to Lake Jackson on the first. Got to spend a little time with Randy and family!

Something tickled Peyton!

Was having trouble downloading my pics-guess this one decided to post twice?

They said he really liked opening his presents-especially the paper!

Well-my vacation is up-I go back to work on Monday. And it's supposed  to get really cold-down in the teens for us! Gonna get busy wrapping pipes in a little bit! Oreo is due to have her first calf any day now-she'll probably have it during the coldest night! Just hope this one makes it-it was a big blow to lose Sugar's little bull calf! Jeff has all but decided to put the last dexter in the freezer-so that maybe his job when the temps drop next week!

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