Saturday, August 10, 2013

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce!!

I finally got around to making some homemade spaghetti sauce last weekend and if I can say so myself, this stuff turned out good!!! The recipe I used is at the end of this post and was really quite easy and fun to make-if you have lots of good help in the kitchen!
 All of the onions, peppers, etc-I actually chopped these up the night before and let them set in the frig to get a head start in the morning. Man did it smell good when I opened the frig!

Here is a picture of my help for the morning! Jordan helped get the tomatoes ready, and Suzanne and I juiced them up. Ignore all the extra stuff on the counters-Alana was busy making and decorating the birthday cake for Suzanne and Kaytlynn's party later that afternoon. Some days my kitchen just isn't big enough for all of us!

Once we begin to put everything together, I realized I didn't have a pot big enough to cook it in! OH NO!!! Jeff's mom suggested using my roaster and what a great idea it was! As you can tell, it couldn't have held much more, but what a wonderful smell throughout the house-even could smell it from outside. It was great!!

And just like we've done all year, we processed the jars outside on Jeff's fish cooker. We ended up with 14 quarts-well one is not quite full. Only one didn't seal, Jeff used it over a slow cooked rabbit this week and it was very tasty! Alana used a jar for spaghetti one night-Jordan didn't like it, but Suzanne ate 2 plates full!

We finally got most of the Jacob's Cattle Beans shelled and put up-9 pint jars. They are so pretty and taste really good. All the grandkids helped-even Kylee, but she did put 2 up her nose! Alana was able to remove them without a trip to the Doctor-she's going through that stage at the moment!!

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce
12 Qts of Tomato Juice
6 Cups Onions-chopped
3 Cups Peppers-chopped-I used bell, 4 jalapenos, pimento-whatever you have on hand
1 Cup Green Onions-chopped
4 Stalks celery-Pureed
1/2 Cup Salt
2 Cups Sugar
14 Small Cloves of Garlic-Pureed
8 Heaping Tablespoons of Basil
40 Ounces of Tomato Paste
14 Tablespoons Olive Oil
2 Tablespoons Italian Seasoning

Mix all ingredients together and bring to a boil. You'll need a large pot or roaster. Turn heat down and simmer for an hour. Pour into hot canning jars, wipe rims and add seals and rings. Process in water bath canner for 40 minutes.


Vickie @ said...

This looks like a great recipe! I have been looking for a good pasta recipe because I have been inundated (blessed) with a lot of tomatoes! BTW, I love your blog! You have so many helpful hints and techniques - so glad I found you. I am bookmarking you and will come back often!

Heavenly Bodies said...

Awesome pinning on my canning board. I have been looking for a homemade spaghetti recipe, and this one is perfect.

Followed you here from the Home Acre Hop. Would love for you to share on Tuesdays With a Twist.

YeagerFarm said...

Thanks ladies! I've been too busy to get back to the blog lately-but am planning on trying my best to get back to it!!