Thursday, July 25, 2013

More Goodies and some of the Best News Ever!!!

This is how one of the pumpkins ended up! 6 packs of cooked goodness to use in pies or maybe bread-I haven't had the time to check it out yet, but I'm bettin' on it being yummy!

And a little more honey from just 3 frames from the stump hive in the front yard at home-I'm gonna have to remember to take a picture of that thing-it's a sight!

Jeff and I picked 2 gallons of grapes before leaving for Church last Sunday morning and Jordan decided to help me juice them..... Just LOVE that face!!!

This was my idea of how to do it, but I think he was doing just as well, if not better! We ended up with about 12 cups of juice that had to go straight into the freezer 'cause again, I was out of time! I'll do something??? with it later-jelly or?

Ok-the best news ever-Jordan and Cayden were baptized on Sunday as well! They were saved along with Suzanne during VBS! We are so proud and happy for them!
Been back at work now for 2 weeks-boy are we busy! Got lots to do and time will be getting short real soon. We still don't have a boss, hopefully they will hire someone really good before too long.
Jeff and I are heading down to Lake Jackson to see Randy, Casey, and Peyton. We haven't seen them since he was born, so since I'm off tomorrow, we're gonna head that way and come home on Saturday.
Been pretty hot around here, we did get some rain on Sunday afternoon. The garden is gone, might have some more peas, peppers and a few tomatoes here and there. I haven't decided yet if I want to do a fall garden or not-staying here in the camper, we just don't have room for anything else! The milk cow and calf are still doing very well-Jeff's still milking twice a day. Have 2 last litters of rabbits coming on-they will be ready to butcher soon. It's just too hot here in the summer to try to raise anymore this time of year. And one of the 12 pullets Jeff bought in the Spring is crowing!! She turned out to be what looks to soon be a beautiful americauna rooster!! Our older one is apparently sterile-we tried 2 times to hatch eggs and they were all infertile. He's looking alot like the pretty one I lost to the chicken hawk a few years back, so I guess I can deal with loosing a pullet to become our new rooster!

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