Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lady had her Calf!!

 Here she is, yes, a little heifer. And she is TINY! She must have been born late Saturday or early Sunday morning. Cathy, mom's neighbor, said she saw them on Sunday. She didn't know that we weren't even looking for a calf yet. Mr. Tom told us she was due in 2 to 2 1/2 months when we bought her, which would have made her due at the end of May at the earliest. Guess he was wrong on his dates! And by the looks of her, she most likely is 1/2 angus, not the jersey we were hoping for, but she's a keeper anyway!
 Lady and calf were way in the back part of the pasture behind Cathy' house, so we brought them up closer to the house and barn. Jeff finally just armed her up while Sheila and I took pics.
 Our first look at watching her nurse-she has a very healthy appetite. This picture shows just how small she is, she can stand underneath Lady! She nursed strong, had foam dripping from her mouth!
 Jeff's first go at milking Lady. She behaved very well! The flies are driving her crazy, though. She's not putting up much a fuss and is standing still considering this is her first milking as well!
The bowlful of colostrum he got. This morning he got a gallon and tonight a little more than a gallon. We weren't ready to start milking yet, we thought we had another month or so to go. Jeff wanted to get the floor in the lot concreted in before he started milking, but I guess Lady had other plans. We think she'll probably take another calf with no problem, it's just finding one.
I had the updated garden pictures ready to post, along with this past weekends bee updates, but the cow took over! I'll try to get them posted in the next few days. We've been getting some really good rain showers the middle of every week and got some due in later tonight, along with another cool front. It's not supposed to get out of the low 60's tomorrow. Then a quick recovery back into the 80's by the weekend.
We are meeting Randy and Casey on Saturday in Sugarland for their 4-D ultrasound of the baby, then Alana's giving them a baby shower on Sunday. So another busy weekend and now we have to figure in milking somehow! We are waiting to hear from Jeff's Dr-he's supposed to be setting up some x-rays and possible a MRI. He hasn't had any in over 3 years so we need to see how much deteriotion has happened. Hopefully, it won't have been much, but he's in much more pain than he was then.
Have a great evening!

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