God was SO good to us on Thursday-well, He is good to us all the time! When I got home from work I went out to the garden to pick what I thought might be about a gallon bucket of green beans, only to find my bucket filled to the rim in only a few feet of picking. We ended up with 6 gallons of beans, pretty ones with almost no bug holes at all. Then on to the squash, ours have never produced this much before! And they are full of blooms and I even saw a few small patty squash. There are cucumbers about ready to pick and Jeff dug a few potatoes yesterday and made potato salad for supper-it was so good! And we got rain later that evening-lots of it in fact. We weren't too happy about the hail we were getting, but it did only a little damage to the garden. It rained again on and off yesterday and through the night, so we've been greatly blessed and the garden is VERY happy.
Jeff and Mr. Tom worked our bee hives the same day. The older one had built a good bit of comb up between the frames, so they took it out. We have the one jar of honey, but still need to put the rest of the comb into jars.
We finally got around to making butter today. I started out shaking it, but was also working on making cheese again at the same time, so Jeff came to my rescue and took over with the shaking.
It's butter! Jeff said someone ask him one time what he put in it to turn it yellow. He said nothing, God does that!
All the buttermilk worked out and now it's ready to try. We had some left over yeast rolls from supper last night and it was wonderful on them!
Lady and her calf, she still doesn't quite have a name, are doing great. The calf is finally growing and filling out good, she was just so scrawny when she was born. We've had 2 litters of bunnies born this week, one has 7 or 8 and the other only has 3.
Mother's Day is tomorrow-wishing everyone a happy one!