Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fall Flowers on the Farm-Apple Trees & Cheerleaders!

 My Angel Trumpet in full boom-again! The smell is SO sweet-but I haven't seen any bees buzzing around them.
 The 2 apple trees we bought at Lowe's today-they had them 50% off-so 2 for the price of one! We got 1 Dorset and 1 Anna-both green ones.
 Jeff's coral vine-we bought this one nearly 10 years ago in Brenham while staying there on our anniversary. It starts out growing really slow every year-doesn't do much of anything all summer-but after the first little cool snap we get-it just takes off growing like crazy-then blooms with the prettiest little blossoms!

Our little cheerleader-Hailey is really enjoying her time cheering! They are wearing the pink bandanas for Breast Cancer awareness month.
We've had to treat 1 of the hives for beetles-the weaker one had a pretty heavy infestation of them. We'll check tomorrow to see how many we've caught!
Jeff's had no luck hunting so far-and we've just been staying so busy-he's hardly had much time to hunt. We kinda took a personal day today-and spent a great deal of it in Conroe-just trying to get caught up on errands and get a little Christmas shopping done. We really had a good day and enjoyed each others company!
The weather can't seem to decide if it wants to be cool or down right warm! Today-it was in the mid 40's-Jeff had a fire going when I got up this morning-and now-we nearly turned the ac back on! Now the weather man is saying the high next Saturday will be in the low 70's-bring it on!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

MAJOR Update!

No-we didn't fall off of the face of the Earth-at least not yet! I really didn't realize that 3 whole months have gone by since I last posted-we've been SO busy! Our summer vacations went by quickly-but lots of fun! The off-shore fishing trip was a success-no one got sick! and they did bring in 2 sharks and a few sand trout. So-let's just start with some pics of a few of the things that have happened in the last few months:

 OK-Randy got married on August 25th to a wonderful young woman-Casey has become very dear to us in just a short time. And yes-Randy outgrew both Jeff & I a long time ago!
 She was such a beautiful and happy bride! They are SO good together-a match made in Heaven!
 They make each other laugh all the time-they are always smiling!
Now after the Saturday wedding-we stayed in Lake Jackson for 2 nights-on Sunday we got a call-my Granddad had passed away. He would have been 98 in Sept. He'd been pretty sick for awhile-we'd gone and visited with him a week or so earlier-he didn't seem to know me-but he pointed at Jeff a few times. Even when he was still living by himself in Winnie a few years back-he would know Jeff before he recognized me. He'll be greatly missed-he sure taught us alot about salt water fishing and a great love of the beach! School started the next day-so that started a whole new round of activity-football games and cheerleading-and lots of homework!
 Now to some really SWEET stuff-a little over 2 1/2 gallons of honey from the second pull! It is much darker than what we harvested in June.  But still oh so good!-And I did use the jerky gun to make 2 pounds of deer jerky from last years meat-yummy!
 September 15th brought our 33rd wedding anniversary! Yeah for us!!! We took a trip down to Galveston-by way of High Island and Rollover! I caught a keeper Red!! The guys behind me were ready to throw me in-we were catching lots of golden croaker and a few whiting! Fun-Fun-Fun!

And last but not least of the pics-Us at Murdoch's on Galveston Island! We always try to spend a little time in there when we go down to the Island.

Well-we planted some fall veggies-only to have something each them down to the dirt-no leaves-stems-nothing left! I finally got brave enough to replant yesterday-just covered 'em in sevin dust! The beet seed I planted is up and growing good-whatever didn't touch them. We bought a few lemon trees and an orange tree-the bees will love them when they start blooming again.
We went with Sheila and Alfred a few weekends ago to pick up their first hive of bees-they are So excited to have them.
Jeff has been bow hunting-no luck yet-he did see a deer across the road from our house, though. Maybe hunting close to home will be the trick this year! He's never bow hunted before-but Randy bought a crossbow last year-so Jeff's giving it a try.
Sugar is due to calf on Friday-we hope-she missed the last due date-and she's bigger than ever. This will be the last calf from Fozzie. Lucy-pig-wasn't bred either-she's been with a boar all summer-but we are still hoping! The other sow will go into the freezer with the first cool snap-and if Lucy shows no signs of being bred-the boar is in his own pen now-by the first of the year-she's going into the freezer as well! Feed's just too high to keep them if they aren't producing! The young pullets have started laying-we'll have more eggs than we know what to do with-wonderful news!!!
I'll try to keep up to date a little better in the upcoming weeks!