This is what it looked like before the compost and grass was layed. Did you notice the hens in the picture above? They have truely become "free-range"-they are let out each morning-then shut up at night for their own protection! We have 1 hen who is setting at the moment on 10 eggs-she's got 2 more weeks to go! Hopefully she'll do better than we did!
And we had another tooth pulling tonight-Cayden has had a loose tooth for weeks now-Jeff tried to pull it a week or so ago-no go. She decided it WAS coming out tonight! It was really loose-but just wouldn't let go!
After 2 good pulls-the 3rd one finally got it out-she was SO happy! This is her first one-and Jordan was just way too far ahead of her!
We've been really busy trying to get the garden growing-LOTS of watering! I don't even want to think about next month's water bill :( We've finally coaxed a few things to come up in the big garden-lots of peas and green beans and the corn is popping up in rows!! We intended to get the scarecrow up and out there to day-but didn't get to it. The deer have been known to wipe the gardens in that area of the property out over night! So we have to get a hold on it before they do! Jeff has a few watermelons coming up-the first potatoes were very spotty-the second planting is doing much better and Jeff's mom replanted in the spaces that didn't come up-and this morning-they were poking up as well! YEAH!!
Tomorrow at church will be a very important day-we will hear the pastor that the search committee has chosen. What we know of him is really great and we are very much looking foward to meeting him and his family. We will have a fellowship meal after the morning service to get to know them a little better. Lots of prayer has gone into this and we know that God will let us know what decision needs to be made. I have just one more lesson left in the Beth Moore Bible study we've been doing on Thursday nights-it's the first one I ever had the pleasure to be involved in. I've learned alot about the life of David!
Guess I'll close for now-we are trying to get some food cooked for tomorrow's meal-got a peach cobler in the oven-from last years peaches! Jeff's gonna make some yeast rolls and we'll get a few other side dishes together. Tomorrow will be another busy day!! God Bless!