Vacation week at the beach may have gone by calm and slow-but-this week at home has just been a blur. Jeff had a Doc appt on Monday-then I went shopping for work clothes on Wednesday and shopped for shoes yesterday and Samamtha cut and foiled my hair last night-thanks again! We got the walls put up in the utility room and bought shelves for it yesterday-so that room is finally coming together!
Jeff's been setting the traps again and caught a baby coon the other night-we just took him for a ride and let him loose at a creek several miles from us. But that little sucker was BAD!! You would have thought he was full grown with all the fuss he was making! And we're on calf watch still-Sugar should be due anyday now-I think I made 3 or 4 trips out to check on her yesterday-1 already this morning! You can tell she's ready-just a matter of time. And the dog did get several of the hens-so we are down to 5 and the rooster-and 2 of them are setting again-the same 2 that hatched out bitties earlier this spring. So we are only getting 2 eggs a day right now-1 of the hens is really old-so I don't think she's laying at all.
Seems Tropical Storm Don was no help to anyone. Can you believe how that storm just fizzled out? I know we got some really need rain last week-but it's already getting dry here again! Everything looks so green-but with 100 dgree days-it won't last long without rain.