Our oldest daughter turned 29 today-someone PLEASE tell me where the time goes!!
We've been staying pretty busy around here lately-mostly with Doc appointments for parents and such! Everyone is doing fairly well at the moment-Thank God!!
School is winding down and the kids are getting excited about their summer break. I have to work 12 days after the kids get out then will be out all but the last week of July. We are trying to plan a big family vacation-my Mom & Shorty are wanting to go to Moody Gardens in Galveston-so it looks like we might take a big group of us and stay for few days-we just have to come up with a date when everyone can get away at the same time! Our friends -Sheila and Alfred are due back in today from their week long cruise to Alaska-we can't wait to talk to them! We know they had the time of their lives!
We went to the Trades Day in Conroe last Sunday-it was actually better than the last few times we had been-we did miss both shows last year. Jeff decided to get a few quail-so he bought 10 freshly hatched ones-SO tiny! We also got a new aracauna rooster and 6 pullets-3 aracauna & 3 marans. We had 1 old hen die yesterday-so it really is time to restock! We had a litter of bunnies born this week and another due this week.
The garden is still sick-but some things are still trying to grow. Jeff got 2 small squash and 1 new potato-the squash were really good! The green beans are blooming like crazy-so we'll have fresh ones soon. Only have a few small green tomoatoes so far.
We finally have 2 hummingbirds coming to the feeders and have a nest of wrens on the back porch. We moved the porch furniture around to the back porch and have been spending quite alot of time out there-it is so peaceful out there! The hot tub has been used alot this week, too! The kids are really enjoying splashing around in it in the evenings.
We have a long weekend coming up-school is out on Friday-a bad weather day and on Monday for Memorial day. We don't have any plans yet-other than going to Conroe on Friday to see if we can talk to the people at the SS office to make sure there isn't anything we need to do before Jeff starts getting his checks. And I have end of year awards at work Thursday evening-so we'll stay at Mom's that night.
We've had some pretty warm weather this week, too-so I guess summer is creeping up on us. We haven't done any fishing lately either-Jeff is really getting antsy to get out and start running his lines again-it's just been too windy to get out on the lake. Maybe one day this week!! Have a good one!