Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Here's 4 of our goblins-not very scary, though!

We had Homecoming at Church today-a really good time. Lots of good times visiting and of course-way too much to eat! We had our Fall Festival yesterday-a great group of kids showed up and had a blast playing all the games set up. We had movie night afterward-watched "Letters to God"-a real tear jerker!
Yesterday morning Jeff & I went out to breakfast-then went to Cut & Shoot and bought 4 rolls of really nice hay. It is so dry-the grass is nearly gone-although we do have more than some folks do. It was nearly freezing yesterday morning, too! But back to hot this afternoon-but changes are acomin'!! It's supposed to start raining tomorrow night-hopefully it'll set in and rain for a few days-we could sure use it!
Of all things-we're watching HEHAW right now-ain't that just TOO funny! And Jeff's folding clothes. We had a litter of bunnies born yesterday-don't know how many yet-I didn't want to mess with them.
We're going to Waller next weekend to pick up some panels for the barn and the squeeze shoot Jeff wants to build. We need to have a way to give the cows their shots-wormer and tattoes. Glory seems to be getting wider and wider-sure hope she is bred! I really don't have any doubts-but you never know for sure 'til that calf is on the ground!! Still waiting on our registration number so we can get her papers transferred.
We've got a Trick or Treater!! Yeah!!
Have a great week!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hereford Cow and calf

We got the cow and calf from Shorty last week-both are stunted and look like minis. It really is sad-but we'll make sure that they get plenty to eat and lots of love. Shorty had traded 2 of his calves for the 2 heifers-not knowing that this one was already bred-and she had such a little calf! He's been supplementing milk by bottle because it just doesn't appear that her mom has enough milk. Jeff made a deal with Shorty and they are going to trade our last black heifer for the other hereferd and give Shorty back the calf that she should be carrying now. Our black heifer just looks HUGE around the Dexters!-She just doesn't seem to fit in anymore!
The garden was looking better-but it just got SO hot and it hasn't rained-although we did get a little-small-shower Saturday night-it wasn't enough to make it through the trees-but the grass sure appreciated it! The hogs are growing so nicely-sausage is in the near future! It's been really windy the last few days and we have front on the way-dropping the temps into the high 40's to low 50's-I can't wait-90 degrees in October is just too much!
We have spent the last 2 nights at Mom's-Shorty had his 2nd eye surgury yesterday-and Jeff is on his way to the VA with him for follow up-he seems to be doing well with it. We might go home this afternoon-just depends-Bubba is supposed to help him get some wood split when he gets back. They set the deer feeders up yesterday-Bubba's been seeing 2 really nice bucks in the horse pasture.
Well-I need to get ready for work-lots going on there!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dry Weather!

It is SO dry here! It seems like there is a dust cloud everywhere you look. We didn't get any of the rain this week and now they aren't predicting any til maybe next weekend.
The cows are doing great and I'm looking around for another cow to add to the herd. We are thinking about going to the breeders show at the Houston Livestock show early next year-figured we'd find alot of good info there. I applied for membershipin the ADCA last night and will get Glory transferred into our name asap.
We started working on the garden this week-even though it is so dry. We've got tomatoes, broccoli, onions and buttercrunch lettuce in so far-really don't know what else to put in yet-I know I've got some seeds-just haven't had the time to dig 'em out yet.
We put all the bitties in with the last of the layers-who are only laying 1 egg every other day or so-They are getting along fine and the rooster finally started crowing this week! It was so great to listen to-we haven't had a crowing one in a while-funny how you miss that wonderful noise!!
We're still working on getting the outside of the house finished-we bought 2 bundles of trim on Friday night-painted them yesterday and still didn't get too far-but it sure is looking good. I'll get pics as soon as I think about it again-Just seem to be having trouble remembering to take my camera outside with me.
Granddaddy went back to the home yesterday-he was so much better when we visited with him on Thursday. Daddy has his other knee replaced on Wednesday and Monday week-Shorty has his 2nd cateract surgery-so we'll spend a few days up there in the camper-he'll have to be at the VA early and will have to go back the next day for follow up-so Jeff will be driving him back and forth. He'll also have to keep a close watch on him cause he tends to do more than he's supposed to.
Have a great week!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

More Dexter Pictures!!

Glory eating "cookies" from my hand-yesterday!! YEAH!!
. And just minutes ago-Fozzie is eating them from Hailey's hand!! She was a little nervous-but the kids need to have healthy respect for them! And of course our Nosey Rosie-aka Pretzel-has to be underfoot with anyone who is in her pasture! She is due anytime in the next 4-6 weeks best I can tell.

They seem to be settling in well-they come up from the back pasture when we call them and are greatly enjoying the belly deep grass. They are still spooked by the pigs and Randy's beagle and the neighbors dogs seem to bother them a bit. They will adjust in time.
Church was good this morning-we had a guest pastor who was quiet spoken-but brought a great message-Are You Ready? I only had 3 in my class and Jeff had his regular group.
Jeff found another hen dead a few minutes ago, too. It was the old one that had survived the coon attacks-so don't know if she died of old age or a busted egg in her. We've got 20 young ones coming on-but not all are pullets and we are having to buy eggs-yuck!
I have a dentist appointment in the morning-another yuck! I have a small cavity in one of my front teeth-last trip to the dentist he said lets wait until it needs to be filled-so I guess now's the time. I hate going to the dentist!
We've been having such beautiful weather-cool and dry-but now we're in a burn ban. We have slight chances of rain the next 3 days-I sure hope we get some of it!
Have a great week!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Our New Dexters!!

This is Glory-she is almost 3 1/2 years old and has had 1 calf. She appears to be bred and could be due by Christmas-time will tell!
This is Fozzie and he is almost 17 months old. He will be our herd bull.

We finally got them! I am So excited!! Thanks so much to Kim & James-we really enjoyed meeting you and spending a little time at Little Patch of Heaven Farm. I have to get our membership done with the American Dexter Cattle Association so we can get them transfered into our name.
We've had another busy week here-we've lost 2 more members of our Church family-so we attended viewings and Jeff went to one of the funerals yesterday. Then we found out that a long time friend had a heart attack yesterday-he had 100% blockage!! They did surgury-put in a stint and he is doing fine now. Mike-you are in our prayers-get well soon!

Our New Dexters!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

First Hog of the Season

Jeff's nephew, Jason, got the first wild hog of the season this afternoon with his bow. He got a nice sow-he's always so excited and fun to spend time with!

Tomorrow-hopefully-I will get to fulfill one of my dreams-I have found some Dexter cows in our area for sale-in my price range. We are planning to go look at them and maybe bring either 2 or 3 home. They are just too cute and if we get to bring them home-I'll post some pictures of them tomorrow night!

The family is doing well-we took Henrietta to the county fair last night-along with Hailey and Cayden. We walked around and checked all the animals out and let the girls ride 1 ride and play 1 game. It was SO dusty-you could hardly breathe!
Our Sunday School classes are going well-I had 7 in my class last week-3 and 4 year olds-but they are so well behaved and such fun to be with! Jeff has had no new people in his class-just the regulars from the last class. He really is trying his hardest to teach-it just doesn't come easy for him. Next week we will listen to the pastor that the search committee is bringing before the church-keep us in your prayers that we make the decision that God wants us to make!